Total run time: 02:28
HD video, stereo, 2-channel, synchronous loop
The film is rooted in bridging distance; left and right illustrate two time periods within the same Manila - a duality familar to diasporic identities. Depictions of a "commute," meaning a back and forth between a home and elsewhere, points to this always moving. Thus, the middleground is an imagined world, the collapse of these times and spaces into a singular "always caught in the going somewhere" - a persistent "in-between" beyond past and present.
Total run time: 00:45
HD video, stereo, color
A short meditation on time and the murkiness of nostalgia.
America’s funniest home video
Total run time: 01:03
HD video, stereo, color
An interrogation of Americana and the act of watching and consuming pain.
We Went Missing
Total run time: 01:51
HD video, stereo, color
The film joins both raw footage of sunlight filtering in through window blinds, and the rotoscoped motions of my mother's hands. With this piece acting as a contemplation on life during the COVID-19 health crisis, I am suddenly struck by how similar time in isolation and the experience fresh from having immigrated years ago. It is defined by isolation, by both a strengthening and a testing of bonds; it is both an understanding and reckoning. This piece describes this feeling, this space as trapped within the sunlight rays streaming through a window, half lit and half shrouded in shadow.
Total run time: 01:08
HD video, stereo, 3-channel, synchronous loop
Total run time: 01:00
HD video, stereo, color
Spring Break 1938
Total run time: 02:15
Archive footage, stereo
Juxtaposing colonial news reel footage with a soundtrack compiled from college spring break vlogs, this piece traces the continued legacies of imperialism.
Welcome Home
Total run time: 01:44
HD video, stereo, color
The collapse of a house collaged from remembered, flawed and imperfect, details.